There are two Simplicity patterns for bears AND clothing that are out of print, but still available for purchase on the Simplicity web site: http://www.simplicity.com/index.cfm?page=search.cfm&numMatch=2&design_id=12278&design=4624&thumbnail_image=4624t.jpg&ldesc=15%20inch%20and%2018%20inch%20Bear%20and%20Clothing&size_range=One%20Size http://www.simplicity.com/index.cfm?page=search.cfm&numMatch=2&design_id=12277&design=4623&thumbnail_image=4623t.jpg&ldesc=15%20inch%20and%2018%20inch%20Bear%20and%20Clothing&size_range=One%20Size If those long links don't work, go to the Simplicty web site and search for these pattern numbers: 4623 4624 The patterns are for 15-inch and 18-inch bears and their clothing. I believe the clothing for the 18-inch bear fits the Build-a-Bear (I used these patterns as jumping off points in making Build-A-Bear clothing.) There is a third pattern in this series that I don't see listed on the Simplicity web site, so Simplicity must not have any more in stock. I don't remember the number right now, but I can look it up for you later. Sewing pattern resellers may also have these patterns. Search for "Vintage Sewing Patterns" for websites that sell vintage and out-of-print patterns and check their craft patterns. |
Here is a link that might be useful: Simplicity
Those Links no longer work. I found this page through google search.